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Tag Archives: Eswic

ESWIC Welcomes Corey Glick

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Corey Glick rips and we couldn’t be happier to have him in the van with the likes of Leo, Cairo, James, Dakota & David. Here’s a little taste of what’s in store from Corey in 2015 – or as we like to call it, the Year of the Glick.

Eswic’s “World’s Best Road Trip”

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Wow, it’s like these guys arrive in every town and say “Take us to your gnarliest spots.” Not a lot of mild skating here; terrain just gets crushed. Featuring Leo Romero, Dakota Servold, James Hardy, David Reyes and Cairo Foster.

eswic fall 2012

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Leo Romero, Ed Templeton, Cairo Foster, James Hardy, Stevie Perez, Dakota Servold, David Reyes


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Eswic welcomes David Reyes to the team.

Eswic Vegas Sickness

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (9 votes, average: 4.78 out of 5)

If you’re going to start a new company, it helps to have a team that can produce footage like this in one trip. Here’s Romero, Servold, Hardy, Templeton, Piscopo, Perez.

Leo Romero – Eswic

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Eswic Spring Launch Commercial.

Eswic from Jimmy Arrighi

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Jimmy Arrighi announced his new clothing venture today called Eswic with Donovon Piscopo, Stevie Perez, Dakota Servold, Cairo Foster, James Hardy, and Leo Romero on the team. Click through for the intro video and get stoked.