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Tag Archives: julian davidson

Julian Davidson: Welcome to the pro team

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (11 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Actions speak louder than words, and with Julian Davidson this rings all too true. Julian approaches his skating like everything else in his life, with versatility and determination. Not one to steal the spotlight with fanfare or antics, as an AM Julian built a resume of video parts and interviews only comparable to contemporary pros. His approach to life off the board, with hugs and smiles for all, further drives home his professionalism. Welcome to the pro team Julian.

etnies Proudly Welcomes Julian Davidson

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (13 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Hailing from Long Beach, California and known as “Juju” to the closest of his bros, there’s really not one bad thing you can say about Julian Davidson. At his core Julian is 100% skateboarder with a timeless style in everything that he does, from the impeccable kick flips on flat you can see any day of the week cruising by Cherry Park, to going big on rails and stair sets whilst out on a filming mission, the majority of skaters would borrow Julian’s skating any day of the week. In addition to his natural talent, he is also one of the most humble, generous and respectful dudes around that would not think twice to give you the shirt off his back. Quietly one of the most determined skaters on stunt wood, Julian Davidson is a classic in the making.

Julian Davidson

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (14 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5)

Julian Davidson for Thunder Trucks and the 149 Lights.

Julian Davidson Exclusive Full Part

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (8 votes, average: 4.88 out of 5)

This site’s a monster that must be fed content every day. So when we showcase something, we make sure it’s worth it. Julian Davidson and Converse present an instant-classic dose of pure skating.

Nick Garcia and Julian Davidson

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (5 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)

Nick Garcia and Julian Davidson cruise down to Element YMCA Camp to skate two new all-terrain vehicles shaped by the riders themselves.

Julian Davidson

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)

Julian Davidson – Kickflip – Thrasher December 2011.


Nick Garcia and Julian Davidson

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (15 votes, average: 4.67 out of 5)

Odrzuciki do filmu Elementa, który ma wyjść na lato, bardzo fajnie spakowane i bardzo dobre triczki jak na niby taki śmieciowy montażyk do necika.