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Tag Archives: Milton Martinez

Milton Martinez – Cons CTAS Pro

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish.

Milton Martinez’s “Creature Fiend” Part

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (5 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

This part starts solid and just keeps building. By the end, Milton is destroying some truly enormous terrain. That backside 50-50 drop! Unreal.

Hall Of Meat: Milton Martinez

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

There’s two makes here: Milton both lands his ollie and survives a car impact. The spotter system broke down for sure on this one.

Double Rock: Milton Martinez

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (6 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

You’ve probably seen him backside 180 that 21-stair and ollie the whole damn Clipper ledge, but this kid is much more than a carcass toss. Remember the name, ’cause Milton Martinez has got it all. Viva Argentina!