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Tag Archives: skate tank

Shake Junt’s “Skate Tank” Part 3 of 3

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

The Tank sees all. TK sparks it, T-Funk brings the heat, and White draws the curtains. Oh yeah, there’s a bunch of other ill shit in between!

Shake Junt’s “Skate Tank” Part 2 of 3

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)

The Skate Tank’s been on more missions than any vehicle in the world. There’s too many guests to name in the rawest edit of the year, but it feels so good to see Figgy get an ender again.

Shake Junt’s “Skate Tank” part 1 of 3

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (15 votes, average: 4.80 out of 5)

Only the Shake Junt family can make a skate van take on a life of its own. Get it straight though, this is a hardcore edit of amazing skating. The Boss gets this started and Theotis wraps it up, with epic guests in between. More to come!