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Willow – Lentpark 2000

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„I did some research and found out, that there are not enough skatepark clips on the internet“, says Janosch Pugnaghi, so he went out and filmed 17 parts in Cologne’s new DIY skatepark for his „Lentpark 2000“ project. Each rider had one day to film only. To get things started with a real banger, we begin with the part of our favorite local ripper, the incredible Mr. Willow Wildgrube himself!
Lentpark 2000 – About The Video
Seventeen of Colognes slickest skateboarders hit the concrete in the brandnew Lentpark. Join them on their heart-pounding, fashion-forward runs, packed with mind blowing action and groundbreaking tricks.
Featured riders are: Willow, Vladik Scholz, Paco Elles, David Marlo Conrads, Oliver Tielsch and many more.
With those top notch skaters and state of the art editing, Lentpark 2000 is undoubtedly the hottest skatepark video of its era!!


  • 1
    16 April 2014 - 15:59 | Permalink

    W Niemczech mają lepsze DIY spoty niż u nas skateparki :D

  • 2
    16 April 2014 - 16:54 | Permalink

    czy tylko mi montaż bardzo przypomina montaże palace?

  • 3
    16 April 2014 - 18:48 | Permalink

    takie parki powinny stać w każdym większym mieście, łatwo się na tym uczyć wszystko ładnie wyprofilowane

  • 4
    16 April 2014 - 19:00 | Permalink

    DIY z rozmachem, kozak w chuj

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