Nowy part dla Red Bulla, a w nim Robbie z Arizony, którego możecie kojarzyć choćby z Worship Friendship.
By his own estimate, Arizona’s Robbie Brockel might be 6ft 2in tall, and he skates big; in fact he skates so big so well, you might not even notice he’s doing it, so pay close attention to how Brockel skates. Whether it’s watching his most recent part, in Jackson Casey’s Worship Friendship, or his upcoming parts in Josh Metzger’s Sloppy Seconds or the yet-to-be-named Real Skateboards release, notice how far that grind was and how tall that barrier was and how crushed that flip trick was and realize, yes, he skates big.
ryjek, twoj part zaczyna sie 30 sekundami wstawek hahahaha