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Nike SB presents Daniel Lebron #notbadatall

1 Gwiazdka2 Gwiazdki3 Gwiazdki4 Gwiazdki5 Gwiazdek (19 votes, average: 4.84 out of 5)

At 37 years old, Dani Lebron is one of an esteemed few who could be considered both a founding forefather AND modern contemporary of the Spanish skateboarding scene. In the last 2 years Dani has trawled through the cuts of Barcelona, lesser known towns in Spain and further afield to the glassy plazas of China to compile this golden nugget of technical precision, poise and style. Repsect and celebrate with a veritable legend in 3 minutes of legitimate and refined skateboarding.


  • 1
    4 December 2013 - 16:28 | Permalink

    nazwisko zobowiązuje

  • 2
    5 December 2013 - 22:55 | Permalink

    Niesamowite, że gość który ma 37 lat tak dobrze napina

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