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Tag Archives: Fritz Mead

Fritz Mead’s Mini House & Backyard Bowl

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When Fritz Mead moved to NYC, there wasn’t any space left in his friends’ house for him, so he came up with an idea – he’d just build his own room. Moving into their backyard, Fritz built a tiny 1 person house entirely from scratch, where he lives and sleeps in all year around. The project went so well that he started expanding, using the micro house as the foundation for the construction of a full sized bowl. These days you can stop by the backyard anytime and find a healthy crew of people hanging out, skating and enjoying the fruits of Fritz and his friends’ labor. Continuing our locals series, we skated over to Bedstuy in Brooklyn and documented Fritz’s story with support of Levi’s Skateboarding.
Filmed By: Richard Quintero
Edited By: Alexis Castro & Ian Michna

Fritz Mead Tricks Trials and Tribulations

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A behind the scenes look at Fritz Mead getting Gnarly. These are some of my Favorite moments I’ve had with Fritz over the last few years. Extra angles , slams and reactions of the crazy things that he tries and that he lands.

Independent: Fritz Mead “Raw Ams”

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Fritz Mead gets raw as fizzle in the “Raw Ams” clip for Independent Truck. Oi!

Fritz Mead

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Fritz Mead – 50-50.


Fritz Mead – 1031 – Get Bent

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Fritz Mead’s complete part from the 1031 Skateboards video “Get Bent”.