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The HTC One Skatepark at Selfridges: Teaser

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Prime and Fire, a part of Factory Media, have teamed up with HTC and Selfridges to build a fully functional skatepark in the Old Selfridges Hotel, Oxford Street and the teaser video has been released!

The pop up park will be the largest indoor skatepark in the capital, with skating free to the public and various events hosted by some of the UKs largest skate brands and magazines. Creative director, Phil Young, spoke about the vision of the campaign which will demonstrate the unintentional impact skateboarding has had over the past four decades on fashion and culture in the UK: “Due to it’s progressive nature, skating has inadvertently become and key influence in street style and fashion over the last four decades, but is rarely influenced by it. Skateboarding carries with it a lifestyle that is equally at home in a purpose built West End skatepark as it is in the urban back streets of the World’s greatest city.”

To demonstrate this message the park will be split into two distinctive sections. The outer area inspired by the streets of London, with iconic London skate spots including the Big Ben Road Gap, Southbank ‘Bank to Wall’ and Moorgate Handrail. The inner section is a nod to the Selfridges shop floor with obstacles based on shoeboxes, magazines and baseball caps.



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